Laura: Gifts & Flow
Chapter 2 of The Creative Entrepreneur by Lisa Sonora Beam covers the “Creative Entrepreneur Mandala”…More specifically, 4 pathways:
- Heart & Meaning
- Gifts and Flow
- Value and Profitability
- Tools and Skills
Below are a few questions/notes I jotted down from Chapter 2 regarding Gifts & Flow
Q: What do you do well with little effort?…A: jewelry, earrings, writing
Q: What comes naturally to you?...A: selecting beads, creating designs, social media
Q: What do people compliment you on that seems easy to you?...A: My jewelry creations, writing, social media, design
Q: What feels like rowing against the current?...A: Proposal writing, database management
Q: You are most in flow when…A: When I'm relaxed and making jewelry with music on in the background; when I'm designing a website or online space and not under a deadline
Q: What are your unique gifts?, crafts, design, writing, social media