Robin: A Bump in the Road
This afternoon a customer contacted me to let me know she did not receive her product that she SPECIFICALLY ordered as a Christmas present. I FELT MY HEART DEFLATE. This is an international order which INTERESTINGLY ENOUGH shows up on my list of weaknesses. I have had this issue before where I would have the customer pay the incredible shipping costs only for the package not to arrive. For a time, I did not offer international shipping at all but decided I should give it a go and HERE WE ARE.
So, on the one hand, I feel the exhaustion from having put my HEART AND SOUL on paper trying to big dreams despite the holes in the operation. On the other hand, it makes me want to pack it up and shut it down. Why in the world does it feel so all or nothing all the time? I think part of it is I AM NOT CHARGING THE CUSTOMER ENOUGH to go through such hassles. And of course, I really do need to rethink the need for me to have to ship internationally.
So all this to say, weaknesses such as this one need to be addressed for a reason.