Sonya: Portability

To my surprise, I spent most of the day at a Nashville hospital with my sick brother. Knowing what's on my schedule to accomplish by Tuesday, I thought of Robin. In one of her post she described how she gathered supplies for her Visual Journal before an international flight. After my sister called, to arrange to pick me up for our day trip, I quickly threw most of my journalN supplies in a bag and I was ready. I created this map while waiting, which I will later fill in with the help of Lizzy & Kristin.

When ever I knowingly find myself in a medical waiting area, I always have something to read and something to write on, but this time not only was I reading but I was working on plans for my business and everyone in the hospital wanted to get a sneak peek, but I saved it just for you.

Exhausted, super tired, more determined then ever, because I spent most of the day at a Nashville hospital with my sick brother and that's one of the benefits of  being a Creative Entrepreneur, they even have FREE WI-FI at the hospital. What a life!